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23.01.2015, 13:16

[Dreamcast] SLaVE

Bald wird ja SLave für Dreamcast veröffentlicht. Hier ist das neuste Preview Video:

Sir Pommes: "What the Fatsch!"


17.08.2015, 11:04

Ein Lebenszeichen!

Die Vorbesteller wurden in einer E-Mail darüber informiert, dass endlich ein Bug entfernt werden konnte, der das Team lange aufgehalten hat. Durch das Neuschreiben vieler Bestandteile der Engine läuft das Spiel jetzt sogar besser als vorher. Hier der originale Text:

Good news! After trying many things with the old code and not finding the proper fix for the bug that caused this delay, the SLaVE team decided to rewrite much of the engine code using new techniques. This will result in a better product, as some other minor issues and glitches that were not fixed in the previous code have been addressed and the game will run on the Dreamcast even better than originally planned!

We are pleased to report that the game is back to running on the Dreamcast, this time with no major show-stopping bugs.

Due to the nature of the rewrite, we still need to take a little time for additional bug testing but Jay Townsend's SLaVE is definitely closer to release!

We'll keep you updated as more developments occur!
Sir Pommes: "What the Fatsch!"


09.11.2015, 12:45

In einer Rundmail, die gestern rumgeschickt wurde, wurden die Vorbesteller mal wieder vertröstet. Es gibt immer noch mindestens einen Fehler im Spiel, der entfernt werden muss. Egal, an lange Verschiebungen sind Dreamcast Spieler gewöhnt.

Hier der originale Text:


Thanks for sticking with us for the last few months. It has been rather quiet publicly, as we have been working through some bug issues with the engine lately and there isn't a ton to report. The bad news is that we still have one major bug that is causing the Dreamcast to crash as the game is loading. The good news is that we have isolated the issue in the code and are working on a fix for it now.

Once this is done, the rest of the game should fall into place quickly.

We do not want to give an exact date or even an estimate at this time about a production schedule as bugs that seem easy may end up being more difficult to locate and squash than expected, but rest assured we are working hard to ensure that we bring this game to your hands as quickly as possible!

We hope to have another update for you very soon!

Dan Loosen
GOAT Store Publishing
Sir Pommes: "What the Fatsch!"



Beiträge: 492

Wohnort: Düsseldorf

Beruf: Pixel schubsen

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09.11.2015, 18:24

Das Video haut mich zwar nicht komplett aus den Latschen, aber irgendwie hat das was. Stylemäßig erinnert es mich ein wenig an Robotron und Tempest, was erstmal keine schlechte Stilmischung ist. :-)
Pfand gehört daneben...


08.03.2016, 11:36

SLaVE läuft endlich auf den Konsolen!

Sir Pommes: "What the Fatsch!"

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